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Piergiorgio Casella

  • Casella di Posta
  • Istituto
  • OAR
  • Stanza n.
  • 33
  • Telefono
  • +39 0694286 476
  • Posizione ed Attività Svolta
  • Research Staff, High Energy Astrophysics Group. Main Topics: Compact Object X-ray Astronomy, Time domain Astronomy, Black Holes, Astrophysical Jets, Multi-wavelength Astronomy
  • Pubblicazioni di Piergiorgio Casella
  • cerca in ADS

Informazioni biografiche

Staff researcher at OAR since 2011. I started studying Astrophysical black holes during my Master thesis, and I have not stopped since. I have carried out my studies abroad for several years, first in The Netherlands (Amsterdam), then in the United Kingdom (Southampton) before coming back to Italy in 2011. During my career I touched several lines of research: especially accreting neutron stars (discovery of intermittent pulsations in Aql X-1) and ultra-luminous X-ray sources, but including also FRBs, GWs and even Inter-Galactic Medium…but the Physics of accretion-ejection in stellar-mass black holes remains my main scientific interest. I study black-holes, and especially their jets, at all wavelengths, from radio to infrared to X-rays, and using as many telescopes as possible. In particular, I pioneered the use of infrared fast photometry to securely identify and study the fast variable emission from jets in X-ray binaries.